It's no secret that pizza is one of America's favorite foods. And even in spite of the COVID pandemic shuttering a lot of businesses, those establishments offering delicious pizza have been able to stay afloat during tough times. And when that pizza comes from Donna Italia, the world's easiest and most delicious plug-and-bake pizza solution, businesses across the country have been able to implement an easy way to keep their doors open and bring in new customers and cashflow regardless if they have a kitchen or not.

One business that recently partnered with Donna Italia and has seen success with its model is Dallas-Based Deuces Bar. The bar was started by Amy and Angela, two long-time friends with years of experience in the bar industry. They wanted to bring their passion for serving others, having a good time, and their skill for mixology together in an exciting venture. In March 2020, Amy and Angela opened their doors.

Unfortunately, their grand opening was met with quick disappointment.

The day after opening, like other businesses in the state, Deuces Bar was mandated to close due to the COVID pandemic. While initially discouraged, the two decided to take the time to focus on further developing their business plan and space to ensure a strong start once they could reopen.
As they worked toward honing their business plan, Amy and Angela met with Rodman Shields, a renowned executive chef in the Dallas area. They were eager to deliver some food options out of their kitchen. But without an extensive background in that area, they needed an easy and affordable way to make it happen. Rodman Shields recommended the duo look to Donna Italia, citing its delicious pizzas, and free use of the Donna Italia hoodless oven solution. After looking into it more and sampling the pizzas, they were blown away and were sold on partnering with Donna Italia. Because of the ease of setup--simply plugging in their Donna Italia pizza ovens--they were up and running quickly with no hassles.

As state restrictions eased up, Deuces Bar was allowed to reopen. Thanks in part to the Donna Italia pizza solution, Deuces Bar reopened with its new food options, welcoming guests in again not only for the great drinks, but for the excellent pizza as well. In fact, their pizza became such a hit, that Amy laughingly relates how she has had to remind guests they are in a bar and should order more drinks, too.
Donna Italia has definitely added an exciting new revenue stream to our bar business. It has given us the ability to weather the COVID pandemic while also helping us keep our current customers coming in and building a new customer base.
Amy Childers
Co-owner Deuce's Bar, Texas USA
"Word started to get out that we had amazing pizza," said Amy. "People started stopping in asking to try this pizza they heard so much about. We've had such great feedback on the flavor, as well as the ease of the business model and cooking process, that we've recommended Donna Italia to our friends who own establishments, too."

Not only did they get great pizza, note Amy and Angela, but they got a hassle free and affordable way to offer it to their guests without having to hire additional staff. They currently use Donna Italia's double oven solution, which is a proprietary countertop oven that bakes Donna Italia pizzas to perfection in only 3 minutes, helping Amy and Angela meet the growing demand for pizza both in their establishment and for carry out orders. blach blah

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